The Flintstone Comedy Show is a 90-minute Saturday morning animated series revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera and aired from November 22, 1980 to September 11, 1982 on NBC. Outside North America, the show was released under title of Flintstone Frolics. The show contained six segments: The Flintstone Family Adventures, Bedrock Cops, Pebbles, Dino and Bamm-Bamm, Captain Caveman, Dino and Cavemouse, and The Frankenstones.
Henry Corden
Mel Blanc
Jean Vander Pyl
Gay Autterson
Russi Taylor
Michael Sheehan
Charles Nelson Reilly
Zelda Rubinstein
Paul Reubens
John Stephenson
Mitzi McCall
Lennie Weinrib
Ruta Lee
Kenneth Mars
Don Messick
Frank Welker