Saint Tail is a phantom thief magical girl manga and anime series. Originally a twenty-four part manga by Megumi Tachikawa, the story was adapted into an anime television series by producer Tokyo Movie Shinsha, with forty-three episodes and one short, broadcast by ABC. Tokyopop translated the manga series, and subtitled and partially dubbed the anime series. Video Games were released for the Sega Saturn and Sega Game Gear in Japan, and are considered collectors items by Saint Tail fans. The Tokyopop book summary states that it is "Robin Hood meets Sailor Moon!"
Tomo Sakurai
Kikuko Inoue
Kousuke Okano
Kazuhiko Inoue
Akio Otsuka
Yuko Nagashima
Junko Iwao
Mika Kanai
Satomi Korogi
Tomoyuki Dan
Kae Araki
Mika Kanai
Chieko Enomoto
Hideyuki Umezu
Yumi Touma
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Akemi Shinohara
Satomi Korogi