In Neo Tokyo, disillusioned youth form tribes that battle each other in an intense game called Extreme Baseball. One night, two kids – Haru Shirogane and Taiga – meet the strongest XB Player Shun Kamiya. Haru and Taiga join Shun's group, the Minato Tribe, to play this cutthroat game against a mysterious man who has begun taking control of all the tribes. Can they defeat him before it’s too late?
Yui Horie
Akira Ishida
Chiharu Sawashiro
Mai Fuchigami
Mutsumi Tamura
Fukushi Ochiai
Shoya Chiba
Hiroshi Naka
Mikako Komatsu
Yuichi Nakamura
Daisuke Ono
Junta Terashima
Reina Kondo
Yukihiro Nozuyama
Kenichirou Matsuda
Gakuto Kajiwara