Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos, also known as Revenge of the Gobots, is a Japanese anime television series produced by Ashi Productions. It ran on TV Tokyo from July 3, 1986 through May 28, 1987. A large portion of the Machine Robo toy-line was exported and sold by Tonka in America as Gobots and Rock Lords. To date, only 15 episodes of the series have officially been released with English subtitles on three DVDs by Central Park Media.
Kazuhiko Inoue
Yuko Mizutani
Hideyuki Umezu
Kaoru Shimamura
Shinya Ôtaki
Koichi Hashimoto
Toshiharu Sakurai
Hiroshi Yanaka
Shigezo Sasaoka
Minoru Inaba
Yosuke Akimoto
Show Hayami
Nobuaki Fukuda
Kenichi Ono
Kenichi Ono