Fortunes of War is a 1987 BBC television adaptation of Olivia Manning's cycle of novels Fortunes of War. It stars Kenneth Branagh as Guy Pringle, lecturer in English Literature in Bucharest during the early part of the Second World War, and Emma Thompson as his wife Harriet. Other cast members included Ronald Pickup, Robert Stephens, Alan Bennett, Philip Madoc and Rupert Graves. The series stays relatively faithful to the original novels, with no notable departures from their plot.
Emma Thompson
Kenneth Branagh
Rupert Graves
Ronald Pickup
Charles Kay
Robert Stephens
Ronald Fraser
Alan Bennett
Vernon Dobtcheff
Caroline Langrishe
Mark Drewry
James Villiers
Greg Hicks
Esmond Knight
Ciaran Madden
Richard Clifford
Elena Secota
Christopher Strauli