La Vendetta is a Filipino drama-suspense-thriller series produced by GMA Network. The series premiered October 29, 2007 and concluded on January 18, 2008. The series is an experimental soap opera from as it is the first series in the Philippines to use the genre of suspense-thriller. It was aired with a one-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide. The series consist 60 episodes completing the first season. From July 1, 2011 until September 22, 2011 it was re-aired on GMA Life TV worldwide.
Jennylyn Mercado
Sunshine Dizon
Jean Garcia
Paolo Contis
Polo Ravales
Adrian Alandy
Wendell Ramos
Chynna Ortaleza
Angelica Jones
Ynna Asistio
Joseph Marco
BB. Gandanghari
Dante Rivero
Caridad Sanchez
Lotlot De Leon
Ella Guevara