The Academy is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in June 2005. The series follows the lives of a group of new Hong Kong Police recruits as they proceed through training at the Hong Kong Police training school. Within these 27 weeks, each of them learned their lessons, each of them become more mature, each of them become a better person as the relationship between the trainees and the trainers grows stronger and stronger. A direct sequel, "On the First Beat" was produced and broadcast in 2007 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Joey Yung, Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao. Another sequel, "E.U." was produced and released in 2009 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, Elanne Kong, and Michael Tse. Michael Miu reprises a new role as a triad boss in E.U., which is unrelated to his role in The Academy.
Sammul Chan
Fiona Sit Hoi-Kei
Ron Ng Cheuk-Hai
Tavia Yeung
Michael Miu Kiu-Wai
Michelle Yim
Chin Ka-Lok
Priscilla Ku
Deep Ng Ho-Hong
Woo Fung
May Law Koon-Lan
Waise Lee Chi-Hung
Dickson Lee Kar-Sing
Ai Wai
Rico Kwok
Casper Chan
Eddie Li Yu-Yeung
Zac Koo Hau-Zheng
Lee Shing-Cheong
Glen Lee Lam Yan
Liu Kai-Chi
Chan On-ying
Helena Law Lan
Max Cheung Tat-Lun
Bryant Mak
Hoffman Cheng
Martin Tong
Joe Summer
Rachel Poon Siu-Tung
Anthony Tang Ho-Kwong
Jay Lau Kam-Ling
Mary Hon Ma-Lee
Felix Lok Ying-Kwan
Ellesmere Choi
Tsang Wai-Wan
Akai Lee