Animated comedy with Andrei Merzlikin about the adventures of the bandit Boris who rose from the dead. He awakens in the morgue and decides to reveal the secret of his own death, enlisting the help of a young medical trainee Artem. What is the avenger capable of, who has been in the other world and is eager to punish the killers? Boris is capable of a lot.
Andrey Merzlikin
Denis Vlasenko
Pavel Chinaryov
Kirill Zhandarov
Lyubov Tolkalina
Dmitriy Zhuravlyov
Sergey Godin
Tatyana Struzhenkova
Nikolay Naumov
Polina Gukhman
Anton Lunin
Vlad Feldman
Sergey Epishev
Igor Grabuzov
Nikita Dyuvbanov
Evgeny Sangadzhiev
Mikhail Politseymako