Camaleones is a 2009/2010 Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa. The soap opera premiered on Mexico's Canal de las Estrellas, replacing the completed TV series Verano de Amor. Camaleones is produced by Rosy Ocampo, who has produced several popular telenovelas, such as Amor sin Maquillaje, Las Tontas No Van al Cielo and La Fea Mas Bella. Filming took place in Mexico City and Xochitepec in June 2009, and lasted approximately 7 months. The telenovela premiered on Univision in the United States on May 4, 2010.
Alfonso Herrera
Edith González
Guillermo García Cantú
Pee Wee
Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez
Grettell Valdéz
Roberto Blandon
Ana Bertha Espín
José Elías Moreno
Luis Manuel Ávila
Karla Álvarez
José Luis Reséndez
Mariana Ávila
Marisol Santacruz
Roberto Ballesteros
Flor Rubio
Ferdinando Valencia
Carla Cardona
Erik Díaz
Juan Carlos Flores
Lucia Zerecero
Mariluz Bermúdez
Michelle Renaud
Paul Stanley
Taide Rodríguez
Lilibeth Flores
Ricardo de Pascual
Erik Guecha
Lucero Lander
Arsenio Campos
Eduardo Liñán
Esteban Franco
Renée Varsi
Mónica Dossetti
Queta Lavat
Rafael del Villar
Yessica Salazar