Follows the adventures and triumphs of a group of children as they discover and develop their talents in an extraordinary children's circus. Luke and Phoebe move to the country but the first impressions of their new home aren't encouraging until they discover the town has its own circus, managed by Caz.
Emily Browning
Bonnie Piesse
Rhona Rees
Benjamin Schmideg
Cherise Donovan
Anthony Hammer
Talia Krape
Darius Mendoza
Clayton Watson
Tracey Callandar
Serge De Nardo
Carmelina Di Guglielmo
Robert Grubb
Jane Hall
Alex Menglet
Louise Siversen
Niika Daria
Brandon Burns
Jade Butler
Hannah Greenwood
Scott MacKenzie
Lilikoi Kaos
Paul Teiwes
Simon Wilton
Ross Hannaford
Renee Moullet
Aljin Abella
Matthew Dodds