Titanic is a made-for-TV dramatization that premiered as a 2-part miniseries on CBS in 1996. Titanic follows several characters on board the RMS Titanic when she sinks on her maiden voyage in 1912. The miniseries was directed by Robert Lieberman. The original music score was composed by Lennie Niehaus. This is the first Titanic movie to show the ship breaking in two.
Peter Gallagher
George C. Scott
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Eva Marie Saint
Tim Curry
Roger Rees
Harley Jane Kozak
Marilu Henner
Mike Doyle
Sonsee Neu
Felicity Waterman
Malcolm Stewart
Kevin McNulty
Kavan Smith
Terence Kelly
Scott Hylands
Janne Mortil
Tamsin Kelsey
Eric Keenleyside
Devon Hoholuk
Crystal Verge
Bernard Cuffling
Barry Pepper
Matt Hill
Don MacKay
Stephen Dimopoulos
Matthew Walker
Chris Humphreys
Gerard Plunkett
Molly Parker
Hagan Beggs
Brent Stait
Aaron Pearl
Byron Lucas
Ron Halder
Eric Michael Roy
Gavin Craig
Janie Woods-Morris
Peter Haworth
Martin Evans
Katharine Isabelle
Lachlan Murdoch
Doug Abrahams
Robin Driscoll
Tina Fiorda
Cindy Girling
Kim Kondrashoff
Richard Lautsch
Shaina Tianne Unger
Dale Wilson
Kevin Conway