
Bayside Shakedown

Aoshima is a rookie detective who has come to take a post at the Wangan Police Station in Odaiba. But what awaited this ex-salesman looking for stimulation was petty work and a rigid hierarchical control. Big cases are being handled at the main headquarters and the local police station is treated as if it were a nuisance. He is disillusioned by the fact that policemen are not superheroes and belong to a top-down organization. Living by his motto, “Cases don’t happen in the conference room, but at the scene,” Aoshima steadily influences his colleagues through his cheerfulness and strength.

Yuji Oda

(青島 俊作)

Toshiro Yanagiba

(室井 慎次)

Eri Fukatsu

(恩田 すみれ)

Yusuke Santamaria

(真下 正義)

Miki Mizuno

(柏木 雪乃)

Chosuke Ikariya

(和久 平八郎)

Kenta Satoi

(魚住 二郎(湾岸署刑事課長・警部))

Takehiko Ono

(袴田 健吾(警視庁湾岸警察署副署長・警視))

Soichiro Kitamura

(神田 総一朗)

Satoru Saito

(秋山 晴海)

Kobayashi Susumu


Masahiro Koumoto


Toshiya Tohyama


Yuka Hoshino

(山下圭子( 湾岸署会計課観光者相談係・巡査長))

Minoru Maebara

(仙波 湾岸署刑事課暴力犯係長・警部補)

Kohei Mashiba

(川村 湾岸署刑事課暴力犯係・巡査部長)


(赤羽 湾岸署刑事課暴力犯係・巡査部長)


(黒田 湾岸署刑事課暴力犯係・巡査部長)


(緑川 湾岸署刑事課暴力犯係・巡査部長)

Hiroshi Shimizu

(下出 湾岸署警務課長・警部)


(岸本 巡査長)



Miki Inoue


Kazuyoshi Hayashi




Akira Hamada


Shigemitsu Ogi


Toru Nakane


Tetsushi Tanaka


Hiroshi Atsumi




Yutaka Matsushige

(眉田克重 警視庁警備部特科車両隊(機動隊)爆発物処理班 班長・警視)

Takeshi Masu


Hiroshi Okouchi


Ren Mori


Bokuzo Masana
