The new drama series "An August Night", which is a continuation of "The Island" takes us back to the 50s. Spinalonga closes and a feast follows in the village. The healthy meet the newly cured and all together celebrate freedom from fear and disease. But everything freezes with the murder of a woman by her husband, when he learns that his best friend had a lover.
Yannis Stankoglou
Evgenia Dimitropoulou
Yorgos Karamihos
Youlika Skafida
Maria Kavoyianni
Alexandros Logothetis
Tasos Nousias
Noni Ioannidou
Ektoras Liatsos
Maria Protopappa
Leonidas Kakouris
Andreas Konstantinou
Elena Topalidou
Ntenia Psyllia
Nikolas Chalkiadakis