Super Doll★Licca-chan (スーパードール★リカちゃん Sūpā Dōru Rika-chan?) is TV anime series which ran on TV Tokyo from 1998–1999. Kodansha also serialized a manga based on the anime series in its monthly manga magazine Nakayoshi. The story follows an ordinary elementary school girl named Licca Kayama and the strange circumstances surrounding her origins, as well as the origins of her protector, Doll Licca. The series is an original story spin-off inspired by the long-selling and popular Takara doll lineup "Licca-chan", created by Miyako Maki, designed to expand the regular dress-up doll series into a line of action figures. However, the new figures were only a mild success, and did not remain in production for long.
Tomo Sakurai
Michiko Neya
Kentaro Ito
Yuka Kono
Atsuko Tanaka
Ikue Otani
Junko Takeuchi
Kazue Komiya
Keiji Fujiwara
Hayashiya Shōzō IX
Mako Hyodo
Mitsuru Miyamoto
Miyu Kawakami
Rokuro Naya
Satsuki Yukino
Wasabi Mizuta
Yoko Sasaki
Yuko Mita