TRT's historical drama, based on the life of "Barbaros" Hayreddin Pasha and his brothers. The series tells the adventures of Ishak, Oruc, Hizir, and Ilyas fighting high tides and the secrets of the seas in pursuit of the holy secret.
Tolgahan Sayışman
Timur Acar
Ufuk Özkan
Melisa Döngel
Arif Pişkin
Başak Daşman
Hasan Küçükçetin
Bahadır Yenişehirlioğlu
Ceren Soylu
Ercüment Fidan
Halil Ibrahim Kurum
Duygu Gürcan
Demirhan Demircioğlu
Adam Bay
Sibel Kasapoğlu
Ayşen Gürler
İlkay Kayku
Bahadir Karaca
Yiğit Arda Tan
Revna Çolak
Erol Sertel
Yılmaz Meydaneri