The story follows the experiences of Marina, a young country bumpkin who marries the mysterious and charismatic widower Roberto Stein, a fabulously wealthy businessman living in 1920s Rio de Janeiro. As Marina attempts to acclimate to her new marriage and responsibilities, she discovers that Stein's late wife, Alice, still seems to have a strong hold over the household. Despite her new husband's affection for her, Marina is nonetheless threatened by Alice's presence, which is made conspicuous through her old maid Juliana's obsessions and her intimidating portrait.
Susana Vieira
Rubens de Falco
Nathália Timberg
Paulo Figueiredo
Arlete Salles
Kadu Moliterno
Liza Vieira
Mário Cardoso
Heloísa Helena
Célia Biar
Francisco Dantas
Ary Coslov
Sonia de Paula
Patrícia Bueno
Tetê Pritzl
Miriam Pires
Beatriz Veiga
Carmen Monegal
Jorge Cherques
Munira Haddad
Paulo Pinheiro
Sidney Marques
Cahuê Filho
Rosana Penha
D'Artagnan Mello
Jotta Barroso
Reginaldo Daniel
Patrícia Parker
Luís Vasconcelos
Marcos Toledo
Pietro Mário
Apolo Correia