
After making a pact with Jequitibá, José Inocêncio becomes a mythical figure, known as the most successful cocoa farmer in the region. While still young, he wins the heart of Maria Santa. Their intense passion results in four children: José Augusto, José Bento, José Venâncio, and the youngest, João Pedro, who never had the opportunity to know his mother, as she dies while giving birth to him. This tragedy fuels José Inocêncio’s anger, blaming João Pedro for the loss of his great love. Throughout their lives, indifference and resentment mark the relationship between the father and his youngest son. As if the past weren’t enough, years later, the arrival of the mysterious Mariana puts all these emotions to the test when both father and son fall in love with the same woman. This situation reawakens feelings that were either dormant or previously unknown to them.

Marcos Palmeira

(Coronel José Inocêncio (Zé Inocêncio))

Theresa Fonseca

(Mariana Paiva Ferreira)

Juan Paiva

(João Pedro Inocêncio)

Vladimir Brichta

(Coronel Egídio)

Sophie Charlotte

(Eliana Vieira Inocêncio)

Matheus Nachtergaele

(Norberto dos Reis)

Humberto Carrão

(José Inocêncio (Jovem))

Duda Santos

(Maria Santa Inocêncio (Santinha))

Juliana Paes

(Jacutinga de Arrabal)

Chico Diaz

(Padre Santo)

Antonio Calloni

(Coronel Belarmino)

Enrique Díaz

(Coronel Firmino)

Giullia Buscacio


Irandhir Santos

(Sebastião de Pádua (Tião Galinha))

Alice Carvalho

(Joana de Pádua (Joaninha))

Jackson Antunes

(Deocleciano Barbosa)

Ana Cecília Costa

(Morena de Souza)

Camila Morgado

(Iolanda Martinez Gouveia (Dona Patroa))

Almir Sater

(Turco Rachid)

Rodrigo Simas

(José Venâncio Inocêncio (Zé Venâncio))

Marcelo Mello Jr.

(José Bento Inocêncio (Zé Bento))

Renan Monteiro

(José Augusto Inocêncio (Zé Augusto))

Edvana Carvalho

(Inácia de Jesus Galvão)

Gabriela Medeiros



(Damião Cunha)

Eli Ferreira

(Professora Lu)

Mell Muzzillo

(Rita de Cássia Cunha (Ritinha))

Breno da Matta

(Pastor Lívio)

Samantha Jones

(Zinha Jupará)

Lívia Silva

(Maria Tereza Guedes (Teca))

Juliane Araújo

(Valquíria Pereira (Kika))

Pedro Neschling


Juan Queiroz


Gabriel Lima da Silva


Belize Pombal


Fábio Lago


José Duboc

(Eduardo (Du))


(Deocleciano (Jovem))

Uiliana Lima

(Morena (jovem))

Evaldo Macarrão


Quitéria Kelly

(Helena Ferreira (Nena))

Julia Lemos

(Flor Jupará)

Flavia Barros
