This suspenseful documentary thriller tells the story of the fearless Russian journalists, who risked their lives investigating civilian deaths in Syria and the Central African Republic and revealed to the world through it the existence of a dangerous group of mercenaries in charge of the Kremlin's clandestine operations. Helped by international investigators they could expose Putin’s clandestine militia. Following their fight for the truth alongside the reports of human rights defenders, the documentary discovers how this secret militia became the infamous shadowy army known as Wagner Group and the rise of its powerful leader Yevgeny Prigozhin.
Marat Gabidullin
Dmitri Mourativ
Denis Korotkov
Lilia Yapparova
Alain Barluet
Sorcha MacLeod
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Mazen Darwish
Jelena Aparac
Ilya Barabanov
Andrei Konyakhin
Andrey Zakharov
Oleg Orlov
Clémence Bectarte
Alexandre Radchenko
Roman Radchenko
Yevgeny Prigozhin
Vladimir Putin
Dmitry Utkin
Stanislav Yevgenyevich Dychko
Kirill Radchenko
Viktor Yanukovych
George W. Bush
Laura Bush
Jacques Chirac
Jean-Yves Le Drian