This series shows the life journey and struggle of a husband and wife, Gunawan and Itje. Knowing that his death is imminent, Gunawan made a series of videos to accompany his two sons, Satya and Cakra. Gunawan instructed Itje to let the sons watch the videos he prepared every Saturday.
Vino G. Bastian
Marsha Timothy
Adipati Dolken
Rey Mbayang
Enzy Storia
Dinda Hauw
Joshia Frederico
Moh Iqbal Sulaiman
Royhan Hidayat
Runny Rudiyanti
Mike Lucock
Khiva Rayanka
Joe P Project
Ernest Samudera
Onadio Leonardo
Elly D. Luthan
Emmie Lemu
Muhammad Faqih Alaydrus
Jessica Katharina
Tubagus Ali
Delon Mercy
Jordan Omar
Sulthan Hamonangan
Maira Kayla
Agastya Kandou
Frans Nicholas
Sri Wahyuni
Iwan Setiawan
Avan Sanjaya
Poppy Widya
Alex Jonsen
Mariana Resli
Kartika Sari Daud
Netty Herawaty