The parody series "Sancho from the Ranch" was part of the St. Petersburg television program "Chameleon", curated by the famous director Yuri Mamin. The idea of this parody was that the supposedly Mexican TV series "Sancho from the Ranch" was seen by viewers in two guises at once: on the screen and behind the screen. On the screen there are heartbreaking incidents in sunny Mexico, and off the screen an ordinary Russian family is watching them with excitement – grandmother and grandfather, father and mother, daughter and son. The trick is that they also appear in exotic Mexican roles, and seem to be watching themselves.
Andrei Shabanov
Katerina Ksenyeva
Vadim Gushchin
Lyudmila Samokhvalova
Mark Makarenkov
Aleksei Zalivalov
Natalya Varlamova
Vladimir Studennikov
Kira Krejlis-Petrova
Aleksandr Lykov
Sergei Selin
Irina Osnovina
Gali Abaydulov
Anatoly Slivnikov
Boris Khvoles
Yuri Mamin
Vladimir Vardunas
Aleksandr Zavyalov
Boris Pavlov-Silvanskiy