Candy is an Indonesian soap opera produced by SinemArt based on the Candy Candy series. Tells the story of Candy, an orphan who lives in an orphanage. One day she was adopted by one of the leading families in Jakarta as their children's friend. However, it turns out that Candy was adopted as a servant instead, thus begins the various sufferings in her life. Despite her misfortune and sadness, Candy always tries to be strong and cheerful because there is a shell from her childhood prince who always accompanies her when she is sad.
Rachel Amanda
Nimaz Indryastuti Dewantary
Lucky Perdana
Kevin Julio
Rima Melati
Rudy Salam
Dina Lorenza
Vira Yuniar
Moudy Wilhelmina
Lucky Alamsyah
Umar Lubis
Lia Kartika
Gisela Cindy
Bobby Joseph
Joy Octaviano
Hanna Hasyim
Eno TB
Jessica Mila
Farish Nahdi
Sultan Djorghi