GBH was a seven-part British television drama written by Alan Bleasdale shown in the summer of 1991 on Channel 4. The protagonists were Michael Murray, the Militant tendency-supporting Labour leader of a city council in the North of England and Jim Nelson, the headmaster of a school for disturbed children. The series was controversial partly because Murray appeared to be based on Derek Hatton, former Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council — in an interview in the G.B.H. DVD Bleasdale recounts an accidental meeting with Hatton before the series, who indicates that he has caught wind of Bleasdale's intentions but does not mind as long as the actor playing him is "handsome". In normal parlance, the initials "GBH" refer to the criminal charge of grievous bodily harm - however, the actual intent of the letters is that it is supposed to stand for Great British Holiday.
Michael Palin
Robert Lindsay
Lindsay Duncan
Julie Walters
Dearbhla Molloy
Tom Georgeson
Andrew Schofield
Alan Igbon
Michael Angelis
David Ross
Philip Whitchurch
Daniel Massey
Jane Danson
Peter-Hugo Daly
Paul Daneman
Bill Stewart
Julia St. John
Gareth Tudor Price
Colin Douglas
Jimmy Mulville
John Henshaw
Anna Friel
Hayley Fairclough
Edward Mallon
Daniel Street-Brown
Serena Harragin
Stephen Hall
Michelle Atkinson
Ayesa Toure
Michael Fernandez
Paul Oldham
Gary Mavers
Wayne Foskett
Niall Tóibín
Steve Halliwell
Clifford Rose
William Gaunt
Amanda Mealing
Cliff Howells
Paul Butterworth
David J. Nicholls
Freddie Fletcher
Peter Armitage
Arthur Spreckley
Jean Anderson
William Franklyn
James Tomlinson
Jake Abraham
Noreen Kershaw
Chris Hargreaves
Judith Barker
Debra Gillett
Chris Darwin
Ken Kitson
Kulvinder Ghir
Norman Mills
Ray Emmet Brown
Anthony Benson
Keith Clifford