The story begins with the ambiguous relationship between friends Viola and Luma, who seem predestined to literally enter each other's lives. Born on the same day, in very different situations, they meet years later, united by coincidences that go beyond their birthday. From humble origins, Viola moves with her boyfriend Mavi to Angra dos Reis, where Luma lives a luxurious life and dates Rudá, who ends up meeting Viola by chance. Thus begins the duo's journey, which goes from a passion for recipes to an obsession with the same man, from the immediate connection to the point of starting to live their friend’s reality, 10 years later. A journey divided between complicity and rivalry, which includes them in a love quadrangle and is impacted by a series of circumstances, twists and surprises, such as the secret surrounding a murder.
Agatha Moreira
Chay Suede
Nicolas Prattes
Adriana Esteves
Mariana Ximenes
Eliane Giardini
Ana Beatriz Nogueira
Thalita Carauta
Bukassa Kabengele
Alanis Guillen
Bruno Montaleone
Jaffar Bambirra
Ângelo Antônio
David Junior
Mariana Santos
Eriberto Leão
Vanessa Bueno
Danilo Grangheia
Paulo Rocha
Duda Batsow
Samuel de Assis
Antonio Saboia
Gi Fernandes
Paulo Mendes
Érico Brás
Ivy Souza
Allan Souza Lima
Lucas Wickhaus
Liza Del Dala