The series tells the story of Dr. Nilüfer Toska, a dedicated psychiatrist with a special talent for helping troubled teens. For Dr. Nilüfer, there are no hopeless cases. Her unique understanding of the adolescent mind keeps her one step ahead of her colleagues. But Dr. Nilüfer’s genius carries a steep price. Despite her success, she is haunted by an awful secret that, if it ever came out, could ruin her career.
Birce Akalay
Mert Fırat
Engin Hepileri
Erdem Şenocak
Başak Gümülcinelioğlu
Neslihan Arslan
İdil Sivritepe
Esila Umut
Ezgi Gör
Ata Berk Mutlu
Sami Aksu
Sennur Nogaylar
Uğur Karabulut
Ata Artman
Eylül Ersöz
Muhammet Uzuner
Ava Yaman
Efe Poylu
Nevzer Tuğçe Gülhan