In the early Showa era, Japan’s first women’s law school opens, and the protagonist, Inotsume Tomoko (Ito Sairi), gains nationwide attention as one of the first female lawyers in the country. However, after facing wartime Japan’s harsh realities and losing everything, she becomes a judge with her legal knowledge and dedicates herself to establishing the family court. She stands passionately for the hardships that politics and economics cannot solve.
Sairi Ito
Yuriko Ishida
Takashi Okabe
Taiga Nakano
Misato Morita
Machiko Ono
Kaoru Kobayashi
Kenichi Matsuyama
Shusaku Kamikawa
Shiori Doi
Yuki Sakurai
Kami Hiraiwa
Ha Yeon-soo
Takanori Iwata
Junki Tozuka