In an unprecedented spectacle we present to you the hottest 50 reality stars in Germany, including Jenny Elvers, Cosimo, Yasin, Cora Schumacher, Georgina Fleur and Matthias Mangiapane - all in one show! In a mysterious castle, ruled by a mischievous lion they fight not for themselves, but for their fans, one of whom will be awarded the prize money. Who will be the ultimate reality champion?
Jenny Elvers
Paulina Ljubas
Cosimo Citiolo
Anna Strigl
Candy Crash
Carina Spack
Cecilia Asoro
Chris Broy
Christina Dimitriou
Cora Schumacher
Daniela Büchner
Diogo Sangre
Djamila Rowe
Eric Sindermann
Evanthia Benetatou
Filip Pavlovic
Garry Secret
Georgina Fleur
Gisele Oppermann
Giulia Siegel
Gloria Glumac
Janine Pink
Jasmin Herren
Jill Lange
Kate Merlan
Leon Koch
Manfred Ludolf
Marius (Ehrenmannrius)
Matthias Mangiapane
Max Bornmann
Menderes Bağcı
Michelle Daniaux
Nico Legat
Nico Schwanz
Nina Kristin Flutak
Paco Herb
Patricia Blanco
Paul Janke
Raffa Plastic
Rainer Gottwald
Sam Dylan
Serkan Yavuz
Tanja Tischewitsch
Theresia Fischer
Thorsten Legat
Tobias Wegener
Tommy Pedroni
Vanessa Mariposa
Yasin Mohamed
Yasmin Vogt