A drama series that tells the story of the coastal environment during the era of the French mandate in Syria, especially the environment of fishermen in light of the exploitation and greed of some people and the bitter struggle of others against the French occupier.
Bassam Kousa
Salloum Haddad
Khaled Taja
Mona Wassef
Najah Safkounoi
سامية الجزائري
Laura Abou Asaad
Shokran Mortja
عبد الرحمن أبو القاسم
رضوان عقيلي
وفيق الزعيم
Wafaa Mouselley
Mohammad Hadaki
Nedal Sejari
Andre Skaf
Mohammed Al Ahmad
ليث المفتي
Mohammad Kheir al-Jarrah
Jerjes Jbara
Adham Murched
Hosam Alshah
Antoinette Najeeb
Maysoon Abu Asaad
Suhail Haddad
أحمد مللي
علي كريم
Ahmad Al Ahmad
Abdul Rahman Al Rashi
Hosam Tahsin Bek
Omaia Malas
رامز عطا الله
بسام لطفي
Fawzi Bishara
ناصر وردياني
رجاء يوسف
Yahya Beyazi
قمر مرتضى