A young girl named Ruka, who had been living a wandering life in Osaka, is taken in by Fumi, an elementary school teacher. Later, Ruka spends time in Obihiro, Hokkaido, with Natsuhiko, who was her sister's lover, and forms a friendship with a high school girl named Maori. However, the fate that awaits her is always harsh. After arriving in Tokyo, Ruka becomes a musician and begins singing on the streets under the name Kyrie. There, she reunites with Maori, who now goes by the name Ikko and survives in Tokyo through her ever-changing cosplay and relationships with men. From Ishinomaki, Osaka, and Obihiro to Tokyo—Ruka, while being tossed about by fate, weaves a grand lyrical poem through her determined life.
Aina the End
Hokuto Matsumura
Haru Kuroki
Suzu Hirose
Nijiro Murakami
Yuya Matsuura
Hideyuki Kasahara
Yayama Hana
Tavito Nanao
Robert Campbell
Ai Otsuka
Yuko Ando
Yosuke Eguchi
Michiko Kichise
Shinji Higuchi
Megumi Okina
Miyoko Asada
Tatsuya Ishii
Kosuke Toyohara
Marika Matsumoto
Yukiya Kitamura
Shiho Fukasawa