The story of the efforts of six siblings, Azize, Cemo, Zeliha, Fidan, Samet and Balım, who lost their parents suddenly and in one night, to stay together and hold on to life despite the disasters that befell them. Although the story takes place in Istanbul, the tragedy that befell the siblings lies in the great love of their parents, Bala and Rıfat. This impossible love begins far from Istanbul, in a village in Mardin.
Hazal Subaşı
Kaan Mirac Sezen
Doğa Bayram
Ece Bağcı
Züleyha Yıldız
Umut Kaplıca
Turgut Tunçalp
Enes Koçak
Mina Derman
Mehmet Bozdoğan
Duygu Karaca
Bilge Can Goker
Onur Berk Arslanoğlu
Zeynep Köse
Mert Tümer
Sacide Taşaner
Reha Özcan
Nilsu Yılmaz
Hasan Denizyaran