Estrella Contreras, a single mother who struggles to raise her daughter. Estrella returns to her hometown where she meets Fabián Bravo, a widower and fisherman by profession, who is fighting to regain custody of his daughter. Fabián and Estrella fall in love and must face various adversities to consolidate their love and raise their families.
Eva Cedeño
David Zepeda
Arturo Vázquez
Laura Carmine
Víctor González
Ana Martín
Andrés Vázquez
Eugenia Cauduro
Pedro Moreno
Juan Carlos Barreto
Sergio Reynoso
Diana Haro
Gaby Mellado
Diego de Erice
Ramsés Alemán
Karla Gaytán
Claudia Troyo
Fabiola Andere
David Ulloa
Lalo Palacios
Olivia Collins
Gaby Ramirez
Martin Rojas
Martín Brek
Jonnathan Kuri
José Montini
Sebastián Guevara
Camille Mina