In the future, water has covered much of the Earth due to the effects of global warming, leaving the human race to live on neighboring floating cities. The orphaned Maia Mizuki, 15, just graduated from middle school and has already applied for employment in the elite Ocean Agency, part of the futuristic world government. Only the best, most intelligent, and physically fit students are eligible for admission.
Mai Nakahara
Masumi Asano
Yuhko Kaida
Sayaka Ohara
Kana Ueda
Daiki Nakamura
Sakura Nogawa
Ami Koshimizu
Hidetoshi Nakamura
Shinji Kawada
Hitomi Nabatame
Mitsuo Iwata
Junko Noda
Tomokazu Seki
Ryoka Yuzuki
Keiji Fujiwara
Shinpachi Tsuji
Takayuki Kondo
Kenji Nomura