The earth is being overrun by Alien invaders and, while on a mission to stop the invaders, an assigned Attendant is injured. He seeks the help of a human named Sadamitsu. Sadamitsu makes it his mission to rid the world of the invaders, to prevent the coming of the ultimate enforcer, the Vulture. The problem is the Vulture is already here, and buried in Sadamitsu's past is the reason the Vulture hasn't already destroyed the Earth.
Sakura Nogawa
Rie Tanaka
Holly Kaneko
Hiroki Takahashi
Jurota Kosugi
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Mariko Nagahama
Masako Iwasaki
Masashi Miyazawa
Mayumi Kajiwara
Nobuyuki Saitou
Norihisa Mori
Shigenori Yamazaki
Takashi Matsuyama
Takayuki Kondo
Tetsuya Iwanaga
Yoji Ietomi
Yoshisada Sakaguchi
Youji Ietsune
Yuji Ueda