Mister Ajikko is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Terasawa about a young boy cook. It was later adapted into anime series, produced by TV Tokyo and Sunrise. This show was broadcast from October 8, 1987 to September 28, 1989 with a total of 99 episodes. One of the earliest cooking/battle related manga and anime of its kind, there are some indications that this series is the inspiration for the live action competitive cooking show, Iron Chef.
Minami Takayama
Chieko Honda
Takkô Ishimori
Saeko Shimazu
Takaya Hashi
Kazuhiko Inoue
Shozo Iizuka
Hochu Otsuka
Mari Yokoo
Yoko Kawanami
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Kenyu Horiuchi
Banjo Ginga
Teiyu Ichiryusai
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Bin Shimada
Chie Koujiro
Eken Mine
Hiroshi Masuoka
Yuzuru Fujimoto
Jurota Kosugi
Miki Narahashi