Virtues of Harmony is a long-running sitcom from Hong Kong, lasting 322 episodes with two direct seasons. Produced by Tsui Yu On, the sitcom was a TVB production and aired five days a week from September 17, 2001 to December 28, 2002. The series chronicles the comical events and life of the Kam household, a rich family during a prosperous time in the Ming Dynasty of China. The series was inspired by the 2000 TVB comedy drama Colourful Life. Originally planned to be an 150-episode sitcom, an extra 200 episodes were added due to the sitcom's rating success. After the episode finale, a spin-off sequel, Virtues of Harmony II was released in 2003, as well as a spin-off musical, which starred the same cast.
Nancy Sit Ka-Yin
Siu Juen Dang
Bernice Liu
Maggie Shiu
Timmy Hung
Frankie Lam Man-Lung
Michael Tse
Joyce Chan Yin-Hang
Louis Yuen Siu-Cheung
Yvonne Lam Yee-Man
Helen Ma Hoi-Lun
Bonnie Chiu Hok-Yee
Hawick Lau Hau-Wai
Sherming Yiu
Stephanie Che Yuen-Yuen
Kingdom Yuen
Johnny Ngan Kwok-Leung
Robert Siu Leung
Cutie Mui Siu-Wai
Sugar Yau