Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor is a Japanese anime series based on the long-running manga series, Bio Booster Armor Guyver, written by Yoshiki Takaya, adapting chapters 1 - 59 of the manga. The production was in association with ADV Films and Kadokawa Shoten. The series first episode aired in Japan on August 6, 2005 and the last episode aired on February 18, 2006. The series aired in North America on December 20, 2010, on the FUNimation Channel.
Kenji Nojima
Nana Mizuki
Kosuke Takaguchi
Katsuyuki Konishi
Michiko Neya
Tetsu Inada
Takeharu Oonishi
Mitsuaki Madono
Unsho Ishizuka
Yasunori Matsumoto
Dai Matsumoto
Kinryu Arimoto
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Saburo Kamei
Go Shinomiya