The Surreal Life: Fame Games is a reality television series that was originally broadcast on the VH1 cable network. A spin-off of the VH1 show, The Surreal Life, the show assembles ten alumni of the show's 6 prior seasons to compete in a ten-week competition that takes place in Las Vegas, with the winner taking home a prize of $100,000 provided by the online gaming site Golden Robin Leach is the host. The contestants also compete in a game show format elimination round in each episode called "Back to Reality" that sees the losers, in the first 3 weeks of the competition, sent to "the B-List" which consists of living in a less luxurious wing of the mansion than the rest of the housemates, who are designated as "the A-List". In the later weeks, when the teams are split evenly, they compete in team competitions where the losing team must send 3 members to play "Back to Reality" to eliminate one person from the competition entirely. The show featured a theme song titled "I Wanna Be Famous" recorded by cast member C.C. Deville from his solo album Samantha 7.
Emmanuel Lewis
Ron Jeremy
Verne Troyer
Andrea Lowell
Traci Bingham
Brigitte Nielsen
Vanilla Ice
Sandra 'Pepa' Denton
C.C. DeVille
Joanie Laurer
Jordan Knight
Robin Leach