Reel Love: Tween Hearts is a Filipino youth-oriented series created by Kit Villanueva – Langit, under the direction of Gina Alajar and produced by GMA Network. It features the network's homegrown tween stars headed by Barbie Forteza, Joshua Dionisio, Bea Binene and Jake Vargas. The series premiered September 26, 2010. The show has been extend three times and now on its fourth season. Over its course, the cast has been growing and extending compared to the original main cast. Originally slated to air for just 8 episodes, the series was awarded several extensions after its successive victory on the ratings game. It remains to be the No. 1 and most preferred youth-oriented drama of the viewers, consistently defeating the four counterpart programs of its competition in television ratings. The series follows the lives and loves of a close-knit group of teenagers through the fictional Westridge high school. The series' universal theme for all ages transcended into tackling more complicated issues, complex character dynamics and exciting tandems – from first loves to first heartbreaks, from "fitting in" to peer pressure, from bullying to how broken marriage affects the teens. The series concluded on June 10, 2012, with 87 episodes all in all. It replaced by Together Forever, another teen drama on its timeslot.
Barbie Forteza
Bea Binene
Joshua Dionisio
Jake Vargas
Kristoffer Martin
Joyce Ching
Derrick Monasterio
Louise delos Reyes
Lexi Fernandez
Kylie Padilla
Marlo Mortel
Hiro Peralta
Yassi Pressman
Ken Chan
Kim Rodriguez
Krystal Reyes
Kiko Estrada
Julie Anne San Jose