Captain Biceps is a French animated series based on the comic books by Frederic Thebault and Philippe "Zep" Chappuis, available in 78 episodes of 8 minutes each. The series is about a fighting superhero, very muscular but unintelligent, called Captain Biceps, assisted by his faithful companion, Genius, facing the villains to save Capitaleville from disaster. The series first aired on November 8, 2010 on France 3 in France. It also airs on Starz Kids & Family in the United States, weekdays at 8:00am ET/PT.
Xavier Fagnon
Emmanuel Garijo
Véronique Augereau
Philippe Peythieu
Bernard Métreaux
Brigitte Lecordier
Christophe Lemoine
Patrice Dozier
Patrick Guillemin
Jean-Claude Donda
Michel Elias