Young James Herriot is a three-part British television drama based on the early life of veterinary surgeon James Herriot. It features Iain de Caestecker as the title character following his arrival at veterinary college, alongside Amy Manson and Ben Lloyd-Hughes as fellow students Whirly Tyson and Rob McAloon. Directed by Michael Keillor and written by Ann McManus and Eileen Gallagher, it was a Koco Drama production for the BBC which first aired on BBC One in December 2011.
Iain De Caestecker
Amy Manson
Ben Lloyd-Hughes
Natasha Little
Gary Lewis
Ralph Riach
Tony Curran
Joanna Vanderham
Susannah Harker
Jimmy Yuill
David Bark-Jones
Ciarán McMenamin
Heather Nimmo
Jake Wilson
Adam Levy
Danny Rahim
Louise Goodall
Ryan Smith
Stephen McCole
Kieran Bew
Ken Drury
Anna Hepburn