The series exhibited several stories based on folklore and mythology , with characters such as Cuca, Saci Pererê and Iara from Brazilian folklore and then later with several characters from fairytales, fables, literature and greek mythology. The residents of Sítio, Emília, Narizinho, Pedrinho, Dona Benta and Tia Nastacia live several adventures with a lot of the mystery and dangers that haunt the remote town of Arraial do Tucanos.
Dhu Moraes
Isabelle Drummond
João Acaiabe
Mário Jorge
Mônica Rossi
Izak Dahora
Anita Falcão
Marcel Miranda
Marcela Rosis
Fany Georguleas
Natália Sambrini
Suely Franco
Amanda Diniz
Rodolfo Valente
Aramis Trindade
Cassiano Carneiro
João Vitor Silva
Thavyne Ferrari
Luiz Magnelli
Emiliano Queiroz
Stela Freitas
Flávio Migliaccio
Ricardo Petráglia
Thiago de Los Reyes
Lara Rodrigues
Arno Pruner
Bel Kutner
Cássio Scapin
Patricia Selonk
Caetano O'Maihlan
José Rubens Chachá
Cláudio Mendes
Lidi Lisboa
Selma Lopes
Álamo Facó
Fernando Ceylão
Daniel Erthal
Isaac Bardavid
Ildi Silva