The story centers around a group of children, led by Leontinka and Olda. Father of Leontinka manages the local Deer Park with an invaluable breed of white deer. A series of mysterious events unfolds, threatening the deer. Leontinka and Olda, who is in turn a son of a local police officer, search for the villain.
Lukáš Jenčík
Robert Ježek
Blažej Svoboda
Marek Škobis
Adéla Stodolová
Petr Čech
Oldřich Vlach
Simona Postlerová
Michal Suchánek
Viktor Preiss
Zuzana Vejvodová
Martin Růžek
Tomáš Valík
Nora Kurzová
Jan Kanyza
Jiří Sovák
Stella Zázvorková
Jan Přeučil
Pavel Zedníček
Martin Zounar
Ivan Vyskočil