Persuasion is a 1960 British television mini-series adaptation of the Jane Austen novel of the same name. It was produced by the BBC and was directed by Campbell Logan. Daphne Slater stars as Anne Elliot, and Paul Daneman as Captain Frederick Wentworth. The mini-series has four episodes, each about an hour in length. According to, this mini-series was possibly destroyed in the BBC clean-out of the 1970s.
Jane Hardie
Clare Austin
Joyce Chancellor
Daphne Slater
George Curzon
Derek Blomfield
Paul Daneman
Diane Clare
Jill Dixon
Edward Jewesbury
Daphne Anderson
Thea Holme
William Mervyn
Fabia Drake
Olga Lindo
Wensley Pithey
Dennis Edwards
David Garth
Timothy West
Lockwood West
Brian Nissen
Jane Wenham