Faithfully is a Filipino drama series created and written by RJ Nuevas, under the direction of Michael Tuviera and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Maxene Magalona, Mike Tan and Marc Abaya as the lead characters with Michelle Madrigal, Isabel Oli, Vaness del Moral and Isabelle Daza. This series premiered on June 18, 2012, replacing Broken Vow on GMA Afternoon Prime block and June 21, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series centers on the life of Stella, who uncovers her husband's imprudence with one of her closest friends. It ended on October 5, 2012 and ran for 16 weeks with 80 episodes overall. Magdalena will replace Faithfully on its timeslot.
Maxene Magalona
Michelle Madrigal
Isabel Oli
Isabelle Daza
Vaness del Moral
Mike Tan
Marc Abaya
Will Devaughn
Kevin Santos
Victor Aliwalas
Chanda Romero
Timmy Cruz
Miggs Cuaderno
Diva Montelaba
Rez Cortez
Bing Davao
Say Alonzo