Another World is an American television soap opera that ran on NBC for 35 years from May 4, 1964 to June 25, 1999. Set in the fictional town of Bay City, the show in its early years opens with announcer Bill Wolff intoning its epigram, “We do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand other worlds,” which Phillips said represented the difference between “the world of events we live in, and the world of feelings and dreams that we strive for.” Another World focused less on the conventional drama of domestic life as seen in other soap operas, and more on exotic melodrama between families of different classes and philosophies.
David Hedison
Ellen Wheeler
Jensen Buchanan
Judi Evans
Anna Stuart
Tom Eplin
Linda Dano
Charles Keating
Victoria Wyndham
Matt Crane
Mark Pinter
Paul Wesley
Rhonda Ross Kendrick
Joseph Barbara
Anna Holbrook
Alicia Leigh Willis
Lisa Peluso
Alice Barrett
Stephen Schnetzer