"Sparkling Girls" centers around three young and beautiful, hard-working housekeepers who reach stardom instantly when an online video clip of them singing, surprisingly becomes a hit. Their success provokes the wrath of a glamorously gaudy and outspoken famous singer who will do anything to ruin the girls' friendship and career. With humor, romance, over the top characters, and bright, glittery stage performances set to catchy tunes, "Sparkling Girls" delivers all of the expected delights and shows that dreams really do come true.
Taís Araújo
Leandra Leal
Isabelle Drummond
Cláudia Abreu
Ricardo Tozzi
Humberto Carrão
Jonatas Faro
Jayme Matarazzo
Giselle Batista
Marcos Palmeira
Marcos Pasquim
Malu Galli
Titina Medeiros
Alexandra Richter
Tato Gabus Mendes
Luiz Henrique Nogueira
Bruno Mazzeo
Tainá Müller
Simone Gutierrez
Rodrigo Pandolfo
Chandelly Braz
Daniel Dantas
Dhu Moraes
Leopoldo Pacheco
Kika Kalache
Aracy Balabanian
Analú Prestes
Juliana Alves
Miguel Roncato
Sylvia Nazareth
Fabinho Nepo
Maria Helena Chira
Pablo Bellini
Lidi Lisboa
Sérgio Menezes
Mônica Torres
Fábio Lago
Ilva Niño
Sergio Malheiros
Gustavo Gasparani
Marília Martins
Edney Giovenazzi
Maria Pompeu
Lady Francisco
Cláudio Tovar
Gustavo Mendes
Polliana Aleixo
Aramis Trindade
Olivia Araújo
Juliana Martins
Hugo Resende
Millene Ramalho
Luka Ribeiro
Nado Grimberg
Nicollas Paixão
Bia Passos
Rafaela Amado
Breno Nina