Carrossel is a children's telenovela created by Abel Santa Cruz and written by Íris Abravanel, originally transmitted on SBT from May 21, 2012 to present. It is a Brazilian remake of the Mexican telenovela Carrusel, which in turn had been inspired by the Argentinean telenovela Jacinta Pichimahuida, la Maestra que no se Olvida. In a short time the display was a telenovela phenomenon of hearing canal causing quite successful among the children public yielding several CDs, DVDs, toys and other products in less than a year. including we have made several spin-offs based on it, including a cartoon series and television sitcom.
Rosanne Mulholland
Jean Paulo Campos
Larissa Manoela
Maisa Silva
Guilherme Seta
Stefany Vaz
Thomaz Costa
Nicholas Torres
Lucas Santos
Fernanda Concon
Gustavo Daneluz
Léo Belmonte
Esther Marcos
Ana Vitória Zimmermann
Aysha Benelli
Konstantino Atanassopolus
Matheus Ueta
Victória Diniz
Bruna Carvalho
Márcia de Oliveira
Ilana Kaplan
Lívia Andrade
Noemi Gerbelli
Carlinhos Aguiar
Adriana Del Claro
Fábio Di Martino
Gabi Saraiva
Cris Bonna
Adriana Alves
Henrique Stroeter
Pedro Osório
Marcelo Batista
Fernando Benini
Nábia Vilela
Renata Bras