It tells the story of a group of upper-class teenagers whose life changes abruptly after the arrival of edu, a young neighborhood. The contrast between the two worlds, along with romantic relationships group of teenagers, make up the fabric of a youthful series that adds a new element to the genre: a plot of thriller, linked to a murder mystery in which they are involved three of the protagonists. Throughout the chapters, the public will contemplate the birth of a music group, crime investigation, an impossible romance and, ultimately, the transformation of the life of a gang of teenagers, aged 16, began to show itself to the life.
Raúl Peña
Amaia Salamanca
Yon González
Guillermo Barrientos
María Castro
Mario Casas
Lola Marceli
Josep Linuesa
Javier Albalá
Aroa Gimeno
Antonio Hortelano
Virginia Rodríguez
María León
María Cotiello
Sergio Mur
Martiño Rivas
Marta Hazas