An Israeli youth drama series that aired between 1999 and 2002. The series revolves around the story of adolescent boys of middle-lower social class from Rishon Lezion, during their studies at Amit Amal High School. The main plot revolves around the story of Asi - a high school student, and Golan - a released criminal. Asi and Golan are two brothers of a poor family, their father abandoned them. Their story connects to the personal stories of Asi's high school and neighborhood friends. The series follows difficulties, overcoming age crises, loves, ethnicity and prejudice, drugs and friction between the protagonists of the series and those around them.
Nir Sha'ibi
Olga Titov
Lavi Zitner
Tomer Ben David
Guy Arieli
Rotem Abuhab
Arik Mishali
Neta Garty
Uri Gavriel
Rita Shukrun
Ahuva Keren
Sigal Shachmon