Justice Bao is a 236-episode television series from Taiwan, first airing on Chinese Television System from February 1993 to January 1994. The show stars Jin Chao-chun as the Chinese official Bao Zheng in the Song Dynasty. It was hugely popular in Greater China as well as many other countries in the Far East. The series was originally scheduled for just 15 episodes. However, the show garnered high ratings when the initial episodes aired. Due to its popularity, CTS expanded the show to 236 episodes. The TVB and ATV Home networks in Hong Kong both bought the series in an attempt to gain viewers. Competition between the two networks during the showing of the series was so severe that identical episodes were shown on both channels on the same night. It was also one of the first dramas that used NICAM technology.
Jin Chao-Chun
Hung-Hsuan Fan
Kenny Ho Kar-King
Kao Nien Kuo
Jianyu Xu
Liu Yue-ti
Yang Hsiung
Changsen Shao
Lung Lung
Tu Man-Sheng
Tsao Chien
Peng Sun
Wang Chung-Huang
Shi Yu
Lu Biyun
Tseng Ya-chun
Chi Chen
April Hou
Leanne Liu
Tien Feng
Fong-Hua Chiu
Di Ying
Fu Lei
Zhang Yu
Alan Lau