Pelotas is a Spanish tragicomedy television series created by José Corbacho and Juan Cruz, set in Hospitalet de Llobregat, a suburb of Barcelona. It was broadcast on La 1, the primary channel of Televisión Española, between 23 February 2009 and 7 June 2010. The series is based around the lives of local Unión Fútbol Club supporters.
Ángel de Andrés López
Javier Albalá
Belén López
Celia Freijeiro
Alberto Jo Lee
David Fernández
Francisco Merino
María Botto
Blanca Apilánez
Carlota Urdiales
David Ramírez
Javier Merino
Pablo Vega
Sara Loscos
Javier Bódalo
Juanfra Juárez
Moisés Ramírez
Jéssica Alonso
Alberto Amarilla
Arturo Valls
Alberto San Juan
María Morales
Luisber Santiago